About us

Electric dirt bike fun without compromise

Established in 2020, TAKANI is an Australian brand, a family owned business based in the Samford Valley region near Brisbane.

TAKANI balance bikes are:

  • Australian managed
  • German engineered
  • Exclusively produced in our own facility overseas

What TAKANI is about:

Building a community of happy & healthy kids who enjoy spending time outdoors. Quality bikes that are affordable for young families. Products that are engaging because they are thought through. Creating interest by word of mouth rather than by advertising. An agile organisation that can innovate quickly with evolving technology.



As our own children were growing up we were looking for quality, affordable, and available electric dirt bikes for our kids. We wanted bikes that could offer an exciting backyard ride to get our children off their tech devices.

We wanted:

  • electric dirt bikes they can ride whenever and wherever they like;
  • bikes that could grow with them as they developed their confidence and skills;
  • bikes with minimum maintenance requirements and low running cost;
  • bikes that look 'real' and 'cool'.

Available electric dirt bikes for kids in the Australian market were either 'toyish' or of entry level quality. Or, they were designed for racing enthusiasts, thus coming (in our opinion) over-powered and with a hefty price tag. Petrol dirt bikes were never an option for us due to their intimidating nature, high maintenance requirements and risks too novice riders.

Backed by 30 years of product development, quality assurance and sourcing experience, we started building our own electric dirt bikes for youth to fill this gap. At first, from generic componentry we modified frames, controllers, batteries, motors and suspension componentry to find the best balance of:

  • Performance & Fun;
  • Safety;
  • Handling;
  • Durability;
  • Looks; and
  • Cost.

Soon we started partnering with overseas manufacturers to manufacture bikes to our specification.


TAKANI electric dirt bikes and balance bikes are being built under our brand and compliant to our specification.

Going forward we will continue lowering the entry barriers for parents to purchase an electric dirt bike for their kids. Parents do not need to be mechanics, have a shed full of tools, or possess large bank accounts for their children to enjoy this exciting hobby.

Going Forward:

Rest assured, we are here to stay. With a complete range of spare parts and accessories we will broaden our product range to be increasingly attractive for young families.

Stay tuned - we have exciting new models, accessories and spare parts in the pipeline!